Things that scare all the content writers that we should overcome soon!

I know content writing seems to be easy especially when you are not a professional content writer, you must hear people saying that your job is so cool as the only thing you have to do is write whatever you want in your blog and there is no organization present to check your content or to judge you.Does that mean that our job is easy? NO and I know professional writers have a typical guideline to go through every time they write a content for the company and have to get it done within a certain deadline,have to get it checked with their officials and make changes accordingly which is scary but there are things which can be difficult and scarier for a personal blogger too that each of us should overcome as soon as possible.

1.Our competitor: You must have heard people saying have a competitor in your life and try getting ahead of them.Now it doesn’t mean that you have to hate them or steal their ideas and get successful,it’s a big NO! It means to learn and understand different ways of marketing skills from your competitor especially when you are a beginner and improvise your own skills.But why people don’t succeed in doing this? There is a chance that our competitor might get ahead of us or already is ahead and this is when we bloggers loose our confidence.I know it’s easy to say that it’s fine and continue doing your work but actually to do it is not easy,but trust me if you keep working and grow connections you will surely succeed and that’s why I said content writing is not an easy task,a writer needs to have a lot of patience.The more patient and dedicated you are, the more successful you will be.

2.People’s criticism:Let’s just say you love cooking and have a blog on all the recipes you cook and you want to publish a post on recipe of mac & cheese.Now there are thousands of blogs who must have published recipe on mac & cheese so aren’t they all your competitors now? This is were we personal bloggers take a step back thinking and getting scared of what people will think of the recipe as there are thousands out there? what if no one likes my recipe? how will my recipe stand out? will people think I copied from someone? and so on. We tend to forget why we started blogging. Wasn’t it for our own passion? then how can we think about other’s opinion and give up our own passion. If you want to make your blog stand out add your own twist of ingredients and spice to the recipe and then see the magic.It follows to other bloggers too, always add your own twist to your article some might love it,some might not but at least you will have a sense of satisfaction right? People’s criticism is a key to your success if you learn from it and in future when you look back you’ll find yourself smiling and thanking to such criticism which helped you to be successful.

3.What if I run out of ideas? This is the scariest thing for a blogger.We all bloggers write about some related topics and just imagine suddenly we run out of ideas.Time passes by and still no idea and this is when we start stressing out so much that by now we must have stopped wondering about ideas and must be thinking of how incapable we are,but the thing is ideas are always present in front of us just we cannot figure it out.For example if you are a photographer and cannot go out during this pandemic period then just look out of your window and take a snap.Even if you have dark clouds surrounding and only one old tree in your picture just describe it so beautifully in your article that people automatically get interested in that picture.If you are a travel blogger and cannot travel anywhere then why don’t you share your overall experience and tips for all the other travel bloggers and beginners. Sharing your knowledge will surely attract readers.Thus in short sit calmly and think, you will never run out of ideas.

Hence we content writers should never give up what we are doing.Work hard and face all the issues bravely and surely everyone of us will succeed and achieve our goal.

Published by Swetha

I am currently pursuing my B.E. in computer science and really into reading and writing.Currently working on building up one's communication skills,helping people know about Business English and it's use especially in India.

10 thoughts on “Things that scare all the content writers that we should overcome soon!

  1. Yeah that’s we shouldn’t give up..good post on motivating all content writers..😊keep up the good work friend 👍🏻thank you for stopping by my blog and the follow 😊

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